Chiropractic Care for Breastfeeding Issues

Common Breastfeeding Issues 

Even though breastfeeding seems simple and is unquestionably the best option for nursing an infant, many mothers opt out of breastfeeding due to unforeseen complications that arise. 

Breast milk provides the exact nutrients a child needs, especially within the first six months of life; and contains important antibodies for fighting off diseases, reduces a child’s risk for diseases like ear infections, and promotes healthy weight gain. 

The most common breastfeeding difficulties mothers face include:

  • Inability to maintain a firm latch 

  • Cannot sustain sucking 

  • Nurse only in one position 

  • Nipple pain or scabbing 

  • Comforted by constant sucking 

  • Increased regurgitation after feeding

While some of these complications can be solved by alternative feeding options, many of these breastfeeding problems can be resolved through pediatric and prenatal chiropractic care. 

Chiropractic Care for Breastfeeding 

Many problems that directly affect the ability to breastfeed can be traced back to biomechanical injuries and stresses to the spine and brain that occur at birth or shortly thereafter.

Once issues with the cervical spine and neck are properly evaluated and adjusted by a pediatric chiropractor, many infants are able to breastfeed like normal. Not to mention, both mom and her little one are able to be treated in a gentle and non-invasive way. 

If you’re a new or soon-to-be mother and you have concerns about being able to breastfeed, schedule a consultation with one of the pediatric chiropractors here at Living Hope Chiropractic!


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